Expert Reputation

How do grades work in Review Report Card?

Review Report Card grades are calculated from the ratings you have received on various websites. We convert all of your ratings to a 5 star scale, so you can check up on your reputation in a single glance.

Grade Stars Meaning
When you have no reviews, you are vulnerable to the first person who writes you a bad review. To reduce your risk, we recommend that you build a healthy track record of positive reviews.
Some websites publish text reviews without any ratings. When you have text reviews without star ratings, your grade is an O. You should thoroughly read the review to determine if it is positive or negative.
When you have between 4 ½ to 5 stars on any site, you get an A for that site.
When you have between 3 ½ to 4 stars on any site, you get an B for that site.
When you have between 2 ½ to 3 stars on any site, you get an C for that site.
When you have between 1 ½ to 2 stars on any site, you get an D for that site.
When you have between ½ to 1 stars on any site, you get an F for that site.

Your overall grade is a weighted average between the ratings you have on each site. The sites that have more total ratings are weighted higher. For example, if you have 10 reviews on Healthgrades that's going to count twice as much as Yelp, where you have 5 reviews.